Palestinian Artist Highlight: Street Artist and Art Centre Director Samih Abu Zakieh
Artist, Director, Palestinian Child Arts Center (PCAC)
You can reach Mr Samih Abu Zakieh at :
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Phone: 00972599884858
I am an artist, experienced in graffiti art and children’s art, and with these skills I design and deliver educational and cultural programs for children and young people, using art as the vehicle.
I have taken part in many conferences throughout Palestine and other Arab countries, as well as many international conferences and seminars. I am also responsible for many programs focused on raising awareness and dealing with art and graffiti issues. The aim of these programs is to explore how to use art in a peaceful way, and most importantly, to keep the children of Palestine safe.
I have an established art project (100 Ways For Peace from Palestine) that has toured many countries and now, having met the He Ao Kotahi team, I would love to come to New Zealand one day, along with my students to exhibit our work.